
The Agency's mine files can be found in more than one way. Which method works best will depend on individual circumstances.
Here are a few ways we recommend you search on this site:

  • Searching by mine name: If you know the name of the mine, use the Search page and type the name into the Title box.
  • Filtering by keywords: Place keywords and Theme keywords indicate the location of the mine and contents of the file respectively. Place keywords can be used to filter for mines within a specific county, quadrangle, or physiographic area. Theme keywords will help to filter results by commodity or document contents such as gold, silver, chemical analysis (including assays), subsurface maps, etc. Currently, mines include all listed commodities, not just a primary mineral, so most mines appear to be polymetallic.
  • Searching by location: The Map Search page allows you to define a location and proximity on the first map. Results appear on a second map below. Click, drag, and drop the marker in the desired location, then edit the radius distance from this point. Use all or none of the text search boxes to refine your search. Using more than one search box will use an "AND" operator, so searching by Place "cochise" and Theme "silver" will return all mines that include BOTH of those keywords, assuming it falls within the proximity parameters.
  • Searching photographs: The Photo Gallery can be filtered by keywords, just like the Search page. The search box within this page also looks for terms within the image description. Some terms not included in the keywords may be found in the description.
  • Tips:
    • If searching for files, not photos, you can remove photos from your results by filtering for Document: Text in the top right.
    • If searching with the Map page, you may search the whole state by ensuring that the proximity and distance value are large enough, e.g. 1000 miles.
    • Click a red marker on the Map Search to reveal its title. Click the title to visit the document's page.