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Arizona Geological Survey Mining Data
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Aguila Millsite 2-74
Anderson Mine 2-72
Anderson Mine 2-73
Anderson Mine 2-74
Anderson Mine 2-75
Anderson Mine 2-76
Anderson Mine 2-78
Anderson Mine 2-79
Big Sandy Formation 10-40
Big Sandy Formation 10-41
Big Sandy Formation 10-42
Bullard 13-49
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ADMMR (61)
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image collections
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photographic prints
mining (44)
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water use (15)
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geothermal (14)
Apply geothermal filter
uranium (10)
Apply uranium filter
outcrops (9)
Apply outcrops filter
energy resources (8)
Apply energy resources filter
gold (8)
Apply gold filter
landscape photographs (8)
Apply landscape photographs filter
adults (6)
Apply adults filter
buildings (5)
Apply buildings filter
silver (5)
Apply silver filter
mining equipment (4)
Apply mining equipment filter
shafts and adits (4)
Apply shafts and adits filter
feldspar (3)
Apply feldspar filter
stone, sandstone dm (3)
Apply stone, sandstone dm filter
copper, oxide (2)
Apply copper, oxide filter
mill, manganese flotation (2)
Apply mill, manganese flotation filter
mill, mica mica (2)
Apply mill, mica mica filter
milling and smelting (2)
Apply milling and smelting filter
mineralogy (2)
Apply mineralogy filter
miners (2)
Apply miners filter
rocks and deposits (2)
Apply rocks and deposits filter
underground views (2)
Apply underground views filter
aerial photography (1)
Apply aerial photography filter
animals (1)
Apply animals filter
asbestos, long fiber (1)
Apply asbestos, long fiber filter
building stone resources (1)
Apply building stone resources filter
clay (1)
Apply clay filter
clay deposits (1)
Apply clay deposits filter
copper (1)
Apply copper filter
copper, sulfide (1)
Apply copper, sulfide filter
dumps and tailings (1)
Apply dumps and tailings filter
fluorine (1)
Apply fluorine filter
lead (1)
Apply lead filter
lead, carbonate (1)
Apply lead, carbonate filter
mill (1)
Apply mill filter
mineral resources (1)
Apply mineral resources filter
silver, oxide (1)
Apply silver, oxide filter
surface mining (1)
Apply surface mining filter
Filter by place keywords:
Remove arizona filter
united states (61)
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yavapai county (30)
Apply yavapai county filter
buckhorn mts. physiographic area (14)
Apply buckhorn mts. physiographic area filter
governors peak - 7.5 min (14)
Apply governors peak - 7.5 min filter
t8n r1w sec 34 sw (14)
Apply t8n r1w sec 34 sw filter
yavapai1330 (14)
Apply yavapai1330 filter
maricopa county (12)
Apply maricopa county filter
mohave county (10)
Apply mohave county filter
arrastra mtn se - 7.5 min (7)
Apply arrastra mtn se - 7.5 min filter
black mts. (ya) physiographic area (7)
Apply black mts. (ya) physiographic area filter
date creek metallic mineral dist. (7)
Apply date creek metallic mineral dist. filter
date creek uranium project (7)
Apply date creek uranium project filter
minerals exploration (7)
Apply minerals exploration filter
t11n r10w sec 11 sw (7)
Apply t11n r10w sec 11 sw filter
uranium aire (7)
Apply uranium aire filter
yavapai10 (7)
Apply yavapai10 filter
big ledge (4)
Apply big ledge filter
climax (4)
Apply climax filter
cyclopic metallic mineral dist. (4)
Apply cyclopic metallic mineral dist. filter
gold bar (4)
Apply gold bar filter
gold basin - 7.5 min (4)
Apply gold basin - 7.5 min filter
mohave183a (4)
Apply mohave183a filter
pinal county (4)
Apply pinal county filter
san juan (4)
Apply san juan filter
t28n r18w sec 30 s2 (4)
Apply t28n r18w sec 30 s2 filter
white hills physiographic area (4)
Apply white hills physiographic area filter
big sandy valley physiographic area (3)
Apply big sandy valley physiographic area filter
dendora valley - 15 min (3)
Apply dendora valley - 15 min filter
gila bend mts. physiographic area (3)
Apply gila bend mts. physiographic area filter
maricopa698 (3)
Apply maricopa698 filter
mohave464a (3)
Apply mohave464a filter
monte cristo be metallic mineral dist. (3)
Apply monte cristo be metallic mineral dist. filter
monte cristo pegmatite (3)
Apply monte cristo pegmatite filter
t12n r5w sec 34 sw (3)
Apply t12n r5w sec 34 sw filter
t16n r13w sec 25 ne (3)
Apply t16n r13w sec 25 ne filter
t2s r9w sec 30 c (3)
Apply t2s r9w sec 30 c filter
weaver mts. physiographic area (3)
Apply weaver mts. physiographic area filter
weaver peak - 7.5 min (3)
Apply weaver peak - 7.5 min filter
wikieup - 7.5 min (3)
Apply wikieup - 7.5 min filter
yavapai339 (3)
Apply yavapai339 filter
zee west (3)
Apply zee west filter
box canyon metallic mineral dist. (2)
Apply box canyon metallic mineral dist. filter
coconino55 (2)
Apply coconino55 filter
congress basin physiographic area (2)
Apply congress basin physiographic area filter
golden crown mining co. (2)
Apply golden crown mining co. filter
maricopa226a (2)
Apply maricopa226a filter
mohave524b (2)
Apply mohave524b filter
wickenburg mts. physiographic area (2)
Apply wickenburg mts. physiographic area filter
wickenburg sw - 7.5 min (2)
Apply wickenburg sw - 7.5 min filter
Filter by time keywords:
1990s (17)
Apply 1990s filter
1950s (16)
Apply 1950s filter
1980s (15)
Apply 1980s filter
1970s (10)
Apply 1970s filter
1960s (2)
Apply 1960s filter
1920s (1)
Apply 1920s filter